Level 1 | Level 2 | DC Fast |
1 kW power output | 7-19 kW power output | 50-350 kW power output |
About 5 miles of range | About 25 miles of range per 1 hour of charging | Approximately 100 to 200+ miles of range per 30 minutes of charging |
For home charging. Like plugging your vehicle into a household outlet | For home, workplace, or public charging | For public charging |
For more detailed information regarding EV charger types, plugs, and vehicles, visit the Department of Transportation's EV Basics website.
Visit the PlugShare website or go to EVHype to see maps of EV charger locations based on your location.
Whether you’re an electric vehicle (EV) driver, considering buying an EV, or even a multifamily property owner, Baltimore Gas & Electric’s EVsmart Program gives you the rebates, tools, and information you need to charge faster, smarter, and more conveniently than ever before. Learn about BGE EVsmart Program.
Learn more about EV trends in Maryland at the Department of Transportation’s website.